Native Landscaping Comprehensive Report

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For our Capstone Project, we worked with The Friends of the Dunes (FOD) to collect information and data about the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center’s (HCNC) natural landscaping program to compile into a living document. The purpose of the document is to provide FOD staff and board members information on previous, current, and possible future plans of the twelve natural landscaping sites at HCNC. We framed our project within FOD’s natural landscaping goals for HCNC, as the focus for HCNC is based on demonstrational ecology and aesthetic values for the visitors. Multiple interviews were conducted with FOD staff, key volunteers, and board members to get important information about each of the sites and the development of HCNC. We recorded data on different species used, methodologies, key days of site development, history, challenges, success and failures, and future plans. We then accumulated qualitative and quantitative date into Excel spreadsheets. From this information we were able to derive an overarching vision that can be accessed, and added on to in our bundled deliverables for FOD. The end goal of our project is for the FOD to have a formalized system of documentation regarding site restoration and development to be available for continued and future use.
Emily Clark and Chelsea Tougas
Course Code: 
ENVS 411
Kevin Fingerman
spring 2013