Beachgrass Removal at the Samoa Dunes

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The goal is to remove invasive species from the Samoa Dunes and let native plants regenerate for the benefit of the fauna in the area. Objectives include removing 100% of the three invasive species in the 50x50 meter project area, prevent regeneration by removing re-growth withing the first 3 months, allow 50% of native species to recover in the project area over a one year period, as well as construct two stretch barrows for the Friends of the Dunes for the purpose of carrying beach grass.
Problem Statement: 
The Samoa Dunes is in an area that has been severely impacted by invasive species including European beach grass, coyote bush and iceplant, which have taken over the dune ecosystem affecting the natural dune cycles and suppressing the native species within.
Phoenix Anthony, Matt Gilster, Kaena Sado
Course Code: 
ENVS 410
Richard Hansis
fall 2012