Energy Descent in Arcata: A Guide to Plan for Peak Oil

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Project addresses the notion of the eventual peak and subsequent decline in natural fossil fuel resources and world-wide production. Outlines the need for community plans to deal with this situation of declining resources. Document contains a collection of suggestions, student literature, and resources for the community of Arcata to deal with the impending situation of limited fossil fuel resources. Methods discussed as ways Arcata can develop energy independence include, local resource inventories, housing/ building design, economic practices and planning. Includes a copy of an energy descent action plan developed by Kinsale Further Education College for the west Cork town of Kinsale to address how the town will transition from high energy consumption to low.
Problem Statement: 
Develop a plan of action and resources for the City of Arcata in terms of dealing with the eventuality of declining fossil fuel resources.
Noelle Melchizedek
Zachary Mermel
Tim Dower
Course Code: 
ENVS 410
Richard Hansis
spring 2007