Mitigation Banking at Jacoby Creek Land Trust

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The Jacoby Creek, located in Bayside California, is the site for the proposed mitigation bank. The site was home to logging for several decades, which has altered some of the landscape and surrounding wildlife. The vital waterways of this watershed are home to endangered species such as salmon, frogs and salamanders. It is also one of the main waterways that leads to Humboldt Bay. This corridor is a rare necessity to many migrating fish species as they travel from freshwater to salt. Thus, the creation of the mitigation bank on this site to promote similar development in the future is prime to the preservation of Humboldt's natural resources. The Jacoby Creek Land Trust was funded in 1991 and since then has worked to conserve the natural values within its lands. With over 200 acres in the trust's name, this location holds huge potential value in credits as a mitigation bank. Therefore, the productivity both ecological and economic, can be harnessed and maintained at its peak. This will be done through the continued monitoring and restoration of the Jacoby Creek by Cal Poly Humboldt students and the Jacoby Creek Land Trust. The land will then be accredited and then increase in value vastly for each acre mitigated. This avant-garde tool will completely modernize the way land parcels and watersheds are standardly utilized in Northern California currently.
Problem Statement: 
The problem we are trying to solve is the destruction of vital wetlands. There is a severe lack of funding for restoration projects and the upkeep of educational sites. Jacoby creek has had some minor restoration done previously, but with out further funding, a completion date does not exist. We have USACE wetland assessments and delineations to show the level of degradation that remains on the site.
Nicole Miehls, Alanna Cottrell, David Zwick, Jeff Palumbo
Course Code: 
ENVS 411
Kevin Fingerman
spring 2013