Lighting Standards: Recommendations for Cal Poly Humboldt

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Cal Poly Humboldt spends almost $3 million annually on energy to serve over 7000 students, staff and faculty. Energy efficient lighting upgrades are the most easily attainable and cost-effective objectives for reducing energy consumption on campus. New Title 24 regulations taking effect January 1, 2014 and Cal Poly Humboldt’s commitment to sustainability are the driving forces behind bringing this campus up-to-date with energy efficient, cost-effective lighting standards.
Problem Statement: 
This project serves to make recommendations on indoor/outdoor lighting standards and fixtures on Cal Poly Humboldt’s campus, in order to lay a solid foundation for development of a complete set of building standards for adoption by Humboldt.
Danielle Burkhart
Course Code: 
ENVS 411
Kevin Fingerman
spring 2013