invasive species


Restoration of a Degraded Riparian Area in an Urban Watershed: Fish Renewal One Stream at a Time

This groups is investigating restoration of Widow White Creek in McKinleyville, CA. This project was carried out with the primary goal of continuing ongoing restoration efforts by removing invasive species and litter and encouraging native vegetation, plant diversity, and canopy cover.

Mad River Beach Restoration

Project strives to reduce the cover of non-native yellow bush lupine in the area adjacent to the parking lot at Mad River Beach, a well as increase the diversity and cover of native species at the project site, and direct the trajectory of the the site to a native dune ecosystem in function and stru

Germination of Harding grass (Phalaris aquatica) as affected by glyphosate application at varying phenology

Harding grass is a species invasive to the Redwood National and State Parks. This project hopes to gain knowledge about the germination rate of harding grass seeds in response to glyphosate herbicide applied at various times throughout the northern California summer seaon.