

Getting to Know Your Water

Development of water resource educational curriculum geared towards the eighth grade. Document contains several case studies, a glossary of related terms and a basic curriculum based around water resource education and student construction of a water catchment system.

Final Report

Basic research in the development of a web-based environmental education course dealing with rainforest ecosystems of northern California. Document includes discussions of course intent, web-based components, planned workshops and possible community partners.

Energy Education Resources for Middle Schools: A Compilation of Lesson Plans and Activities for Grades 6-8

A compilation of lesson plans and activities directed towards teaching energy education to middle school grades six through eight. Topics covered include acid rain, purchasing habits, fuels, electricity, thermal insulations and conceptual units on energy conservation and food security.

Energy Education Resources for Elementary Schools: A Compilation of Lesson Plans and Activities for Grades K-6

General compilation of energy education resources aimed at educators of grades kindergarten through sixth. Document includes outlined lesson plans, activities for students, additional resources for educators and a glossary of energy related terms.