
Greenhouse Group

Student involvement with Sumeg Patrick's Point Lagoons Interpretive Association project to design and implement a semi-permanent on-site greenhouse for the purpose of native plant propagation and restoration/ education of community members and visitors to Patrick's Point State Park and ass

Germination of Harding grass (Phalaris aquatica) as affected by glyphosate application at varying phenology

Harding grass is a species invasive to the Redwood National and State Parks. This project hopes to gain knowledge about the germination rate of harding grass seeds in response to glyphosate herbicide applied at various times throughout the northern California summer seaon.

Friends of the Eel River

Project contains general overview of Friends of the Eel River and restoration efforts being carried out while also attempting to assess/ raise local awareness and garnish community support/ participation for such efforts.

Elk River Watershed Project: Initial Study on Reducing Sediment in the North Fork Elk River Through the Use of Wetlands

General discussion on issues relating to excessive sediment within the Elk River watershed and the need for mitigating measures to deal with sediment. Contains brief history and land use of the Elk River watershed with discussion on issues pertaining to sediment loading.