Landscape and Tree Advisory Committee

Charge: The Landscape and Tree Advisory Committee’s charge is to provide input to Facilities Management with regard to the planning, design and maintenance functions associated with the University’s and Residence Hall landscape and urban forest. This charge is accomplished through review and input of a unified campus standard plant list, provision of input for proposed landscape changes and design proposals, projects or plans, provision of input regarding policies associated with maintenance of the landscape owned or leased by the University, and increasing awareness of academic needs regarding the campus landscape which is considered to be an “outdoor classroom”. 


Position  Name Term
Dirctor, Facilities Operations Liz Whitchurch  -
AVP Facilities Management Michael Fisher (Interim AY2021)  -
Director, Planning & Sustainability Kassidy Banducci (Interim AY2021)  -
Representative as Appointed by the Director Housing & Residence Life Jason Sowerwine  -
Faculty Representative as Appointed by the Dean, College of Natural Resources & Sciences Oscar Mauricio Vargas-Hernandez 2020-2022
Faculty Representative as Appointed by the Dean, College of Professional Studies Ara Pachmayer
Faculty Representative as Appointed by the Dean, College of Arts, Hummanities & Social Sciences Gordon Ulmer 2020-2022
At-Large Faculty Representative as appointed by the Provost Alexandru Tomescu
Student Representative as Appointed by the Associated Students President Franziska Daumberger 2020-2022 

Reports to:

  • This Committee is advisory in nature to Facilities Management and the University Space & Facilities Advisory Committee.  Work done at this level will be utilized to develop recommendations (associated with those areas noted above) for action.

Term & Appointment: 

  • Two-year

Meeting Schedule:

  • Once per semester with additional meetings as determined by the Chair.