Pilot Campus Building Access Plan

The Pilot Summer Campus Access Plan’s goal is to foster a secure campus environment while providing a seamless experience with access to university buildings for our employees, students and visitors. The pilot is a soft launch of a broader program desired to be implemented during the regular academic year.  

Beginning May 28, 2024, Cal Poly Humboldt  updated its campus building security efforts by establishing campus-wide standard building hours with controlled access to spaces such as instructional spaces, offices and gender inclusive restrooms;  maintaining accessibility to key campus locations such as the Library, Student Business Services, and the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center; and enhancing safety measures for conferences, camps and other campus events;


Standard Building Hours


7:00am -10:30pm

  • faculty, staff, student key cards will work on all academic buildings. 


10:30pm  - 7:00am 

  • All department authorized access for faculty, staff, and student staff key cards will still be active

  • Student key cards will not provide access during this timeframe unless there is an operational need as determined by a academic department

Weekends and University Holidays

7:30am - 5:30pm

  • faculty, staff, student key cards will work on all academic buildings. 



  • If you are a student and your key card is not working, please use the pin number that was issued to you as back up.  If that does not work, please contact the Facilities Management Main desk at 707.826.3646.

  • If you are a faculty, staff, or student staff, and your key cards are not working, please contact your department to ensure you have approved access. You may also contact the Facilities Management Main desk at 707.826.3646.



Frequently Asked Questions: Pilot Campus Building Access Plan

*We will continue to update as we work through the pilot program*


Why is the University implementing a locking policy?

In the 2019-20 academic year, the University made it a priority to enhance our campus safety environment for students, employees and visitors. The desire to prioritize safety was a result of concerns related to incidents such as vandalism, theft, harassment of faculty, destruction of our gender inclusive restrooms and individuals attempting to live in our buildings. 

Given those factors and the University’s commitment to bolster campus safety, we began the process of updating building access protocols and evolved systems to better manage facility access in 2020, which enhanced our ability to secure facilities. 

Is the University locking buildings because of the protests?

There’s a misconception the plan stems from the protest. The protests are one of several factors behind the timing of the locking plan, but this plan has been in the works for some time. 

Because buildings have already been locked down and there are fewer people on campus during the summer, it made sense to move forward with the plan as a pilot for the summer, giving us time to introduce, assess, modify and refine before the Fall semester.

Can I hold exterior doors open or prop open doors?

When meeting guests at building exteriors you are welcome to hold doors open for access. Doors should never be propped open.


What should I do if I lose my card? 

Lost keys should always be reported to Facilities Management as normal. Please access the link here for more information or call the Facilities front desk at 707.826.3646


What should I do if my card and/or PIN code is not functioning?

Please access the link here for more information or call the Facilities front desk at 707.826.3646

Students who are taking classes this summer will need resources that are located in multiple spaces outside of their assigned classrooms (e.g.,  research lab spaces, computer labs, study spaces, appropriate bathrooms). How will they be able to access those spaces?
Enrolled students will be issued a key card and a PIN code, and they can use either method to access all academic buildings on campus weekdays between 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m and weekends between 7:30am and 5:30pm. 


Are there any buildings on campus that do not require key card access?

Yes. Library, Gutswurrack Student Activities Center, Student Health & Wellbeing Services, Student & Business Services, Student Recreation Center, College Creek Marketplace, the J, and the Depot will be open to the public during normal business hours, which will vary depending on the time of year. 


Access issues for public seminars and thesis defenses lead to confusing and uncomfortable arrangements with guests. How do we handle these arrangements? 

When you schedule a public event through Conference & Events Services (CES), you must designate a primary key holder, who will be responsible for providing building access to event personnel and guests. The primary key holder will be issued a key card for longer events or a PIN code for a one-day event. 

For ad hoc public meetings coordinated directly between a department and the public, a liaison providing access to the exterior will be required. Propping open doors is not permitted. 


How will conferences, camps, and public events be handled for access from the public. 

When you schedule a public event through CES, you must designate a primary key holder, who will be responsible for providing building access to event personnel and guests. The primary key holder will be issued a key card for longer events or a PIN code for a one-day event.  For ad hoc public meetings coordinated directly between a department and the public, a liaison providing access to the exterior will be required. Propping open doors is not permitted.


Will meetings with prospective students and alumni become increasingly complicated?

Meeting with people will be encouraged to begin at building exteriors and escorting them in common open spaces such as the Library, Student Business Services, and the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center.


Will faculty, staff, and students be able to access buildings where other faculty and administrators offices are located?

Yes, faculty, staff, and students will have access to all of the main campus academic buildings and should have no issue gaining access as they normally would to buildings where their departments or offices are located. 


Faculty, staff, and student employees often use research and work spaces outside regular business hours. How will access to these spaces be handled? 

All faculty, staff, and student staff will have the appropriate key card access to the spaces that they need to access at any time. These key holders are separate from non-staff students. All department templates will still be available and approved at the department level. 


How do departments request changes to access? 

This process has not changed. All access change requests should be entered as a key request on the Facilities Management website.


How will building access for third-party vendors be handled?  

Normal access will be permitted for vendors and administered through Facilities Management.


How will I be able to access all gender restrooms and lactation rooms?

Faculty, staff, and students will have access as well as a PIN  code to all academic buildings between 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. This includes all gender restrooms and lactation rooms.