

Luffenholtz County Park Enhancement Plan: Eradication of Inavsive English Ivy (Hederea helix) to Encourage the Growth of Native Vegetation and Increase Habitat for Wolf's evening Primrose (Oenothera wolfii)

An overall work plan on the removal of ivasive plant species from Luffenholtz County Park, aimed at restoration and promoting native plants within the ecosystem. Primary methods included are manual removal and active revegetation methods.

Greenhouse Group

Student involvement with Sumeg Patrick's Point Lagoons Interpretive Association project to design and implement a semi-permanent on-site greenhouse for the purpose of native plant propagation and restoration/ education of community members and visitors to Patrick's Point State Park and ass

Friends of the Eel River

Project contains general overview of Friends of the Eel River and restoration efforts being carried out while also attempting to assess/ raise local awareness and garnish community support/ participation for such efforts.